Austrian developer Objective Development has announced Little Snitch 6, the latest evolution of its popular firewall and network monitoring utility on the Mac. Whenever an app attempts to connect to a server on the internet, Little Snitch shows a connection alert, allowing you to decide whether to allow or deny the connection.

The key new features include DNS encryption, easier access to blocklists, a redesigned interactive traffic chart, a new Control Center in the menu bar, new hierarchical grouping options in the connection list, new sound notifications, and an overhauled user interface. The full advertised features list is as follows:

  • DNS Encryption: Let Little Snitch encrypt your server name queries to shield your online activities from prying eyes.
  • Integrated Blocklists: Effortlessly select from a curated list of blocklists. Install them with a single click to add an extra layer of protection against unwanted connections.
  • Control Center in Menu Bar: Quickly access essential network information, recent activity charts, and recently blocked connections at a glance, directly from the menu bar.
  • Interactive Traffic Chart: Enjoy a redesigned, intuitive real-time traffic chart for a clearer visualization and analysis of network activity.
  • Hierarchical Connection Grouping: Group connections by application, domain, server, or country to gain deeper insights into network traffic.
  • Advanced Search and Filters: Swiftly locate specific connections or firewall rules with enhanced search capabilities.
  • Usage Statistics: Track and optimize your firewall rules based on usage frequency.
  • Sound Notifications: Stay informed about network activities through customizable acoustic notifications, just by listening. Make connections not only visible but also audible!
  • Rule Groups: Organize firewall rules by topic to conveniently turn related rules on or off together.
  • Enhanced Web Application Support: Gain better and more precise control over external connections initiated by websites.
  • Improved Firewall Rules: Use of cryptographic code signing identifiers for better process identification, resistant to renaming or moving of apps.
  • Simplified Setup: Automatically create rules for installed applications to streamline initial configuration.
  • Enhanced Xcode Simulator Support: Enjoy smoother development experiences with improved handling of processes in Xcode’s Simulator app.

Little Snitch 6 supports macOS Sonoma and is available from the Objective Development website for $59 per single license. Existing users can upgrade at a discounted price starting at $39.

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Licenses that have been purchased after January 1, 2024, are already valid for Little Snitch 6 at no additional cost. A free demo mode is also included, which offers full functionality for three hours per session and can be reactivated as often as desired.

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