With the macOS 15 update that is set to debut at WWDC in June, Apple plans to rearrange “menus and app UIs,” according to a report from AppleInsider. The System Settings app, which was last updated with macOS Ventura, will get one of the biggest updates.

With macOS Ventura, Apple renamed the System Preferences app to System Settings, introducing a design similar to the Settings app on the iPhone and iPad. System Settings in ‌macOS 15‌ is said to feature a new organizational system based on “priority and overall importance.”

The Notifications and Sound categories in System Settings will be moved lower in the list, with General settings moved up right under Network settings. Apple plans to move the existing Wallpaper and Displays sections into the same section with General settings, and Privacy and Security will be paired with Touch ID and Password and other relevant settings. Siri and Spotlight will be paired with Internet Accounts and Game Center.

Apple also reportedly plans to redesign the ‌Siri‌ menu bar icon, making a flat black and white icon to replace the current colorful icon, and there are said to be design changes coming to Calculator (a more iOS-like design) and Safari (a unified menu for page controls). Other rumored ‌macOS 15‌ changes include a Printable Account Recovery Summary option, a new iCloud preference pane, and a “modern” user interface for AirDrop.

Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference keynote is set to take place on Monday, June 10, and it will see Apple unveil ‌macOS 15‌, iOS 18, tvOS 18, visionOS 2, and watchOS 11.

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