LG is aiming to begin mass production of display panels for a MacBook with a 20.2-inch or an 18.8-inch foldable screen in the fourth quarter of 2025, according to information shared today by Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.

In a post on Medium, Kuo said Apple is aiming to make the foldable screen “as crease-free as possible,” which will require the use of high-cost components. As a result, he said the foldable MacBook could be nearly as expensive as Apple’s Vision Pro headset, which starts at $3,499. The 16-inch MacBook Pro currently starts at $2,499.

Kuo estimated that foldable MacBook shipments will exceed one million units in 2026, suggesting that the device will launch in around two years from now.

He expects the device to feature Apple’s next-generation M5 chip, which has yet to be announced.

Kuo is one of three sources to have mentioned a 20-inch MacBook, alongside display industry analyst Ross Young and Korean website The Elec. However, there is no guarantee that the device progresses beyond the prototyping stage.

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