Apple is set to release a new immersive video on the Vision Pro on Friday, with “Parkour” labeled as episode two in the “Adventure” series. Episode one is the “Highlining” video that shows highliner Faith Dickey walking across a tightrope 3,000 feet above Norway’s fjords.

A description of the Parkour episode invites Vision Pro wearers to join the “world’s leading parkour athletes” as they go on a “gravity-defying trek across the streets and rooftops of Paris.”

Apple says that its Adventure series is aimed at immersing Vision Pro users in the world of adventure “like never before.” Apple works with pioneering athletes facing extraordinary challenges across the world.

Apple Immersive Video is an entertainment format that features 180-degree 3D 8K video recordings captured with spatial audio. The Vision Pro launched with several Immersive Videos, including Prehistoric Planet, Wild Life, and Alicia Keys: Rehearsal Room, and Apple has since added a video highlighting the best of the 2023 MLS Cup Playoffs.

The latest “Parkour” video is set to launch on Friday, May 24.

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