Threads is testing an option that allows users to archive old posts so that they don’t appear on their profile, according to Instagram head Adam Mosseri.

In a post on the Meta-owned social media platform, Mosseri said that the archive option being tested with a small number of people included a manual setting for individual posts, as well as the ability to automatically archive all posts after a certain period of time.

Users also have the option to unarchive a post to make it public again. If beta testing goes well, the ability to archive posts is likely to be rolled out globally as an option rather than a default behavior, which Mosseri said was the overwhelming preference based on user feedback.

When it launched back in July, Threads was very barebones, with Meta working to add new functionality on a regular basis to bring the network in line with X (Twitter). It has since gained a web app, an ability to search for posts, and a post editing feature. Just last week, Threads began rolling out an option to some users to filter search results by the most recent posts, rather than just posts suggested by its algorithm.

The slow trickle of new features appears to be gradually paying off: The app now has more than 150 million monthly users, according to Mark Zuckerberg, who revealed the figures on Wednesday during Meta’s first-quarter earnings call.

archive posts threadsarchive posts threads
The number indicates an increase of about 20 million new users since February, suggesting steady growth, albeit at a slower rate than its initial rapid popularity, when the app racked up 100 million users in its first week. Zuckerberg said in October he believes Threads has a good chance of becoming Meta’s next billion-user app.

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